
Please Note: We do not currently have a permanent physical location.
We are a Mobile Mini Truck, most times you can find us at local festivals, pop-ups and special events.

We look forward to our 2023 Season!

A “Piragua” Spanish pronunciation: [pea – rra – gwah] is a Puerto Rican shaved ice dessert.
Traditionally big blocks of ice are hand shaven and filled into cups that are then shaped into a cone and then covered with tropical fruit-flavored syrup.
Piraguas are sold by street vendors, known as “Piragüeros”, from small colorful pushcarts.

Our Flavors Include:

Cereza (Cherry)
China (Orange)
Coco (Coconut)
Frambuesa (Red raspberry)
Fresa (Strawberry)
Mantecado (Ice Cream)
Limón (Lemon)
Parcha (Passion fruit)
Piña (Pineapple)
Tamarindo (Tamarind)
Uva (Grape)